
Vishwas Acharya Profile Picture

Who Am I?

I'm a learner 🎓 & a hustler 😎, Completed my bachelor's in Information Technology Engineering from Sardar Patel College of Engineering, which is located near Vallabh Vidhyanagar where I live, I moved to this city when I was in 10th class before that I used to live in Khambhat. Also working remotely as a Jr Frontend Developer intern at @futureblink,

I was a kinda introverted guy so to overcome my shyness and as a side hustle I make Youtube videos, Podcasts 🎙 and I have a liking for Photography also, so sharing that through my Instagram.

And when I feel low 🥱 or in a zone to do nothing then I listen to songs 🎶 and dance to them, just to get myself back on track.

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