We are satisfying our WANTS, then on the other end, we might have compromised our NEEDS.
So this article is about explaining the meaning of what I WANT? and what I NEED? under my experience, okay… the things which I know, I’ll share with you.
Sounds good, let’s start then
So firstly an important definition I want to make clear.
So the definition WANT goes like this “Want means you have a desire to possess or to do something, means you’re not gonna suffer/die if you won’t get that, something” & the example of want could be a car.
And now the definition of NEED goes like this “Need means you require that something to survive because it is essential if you won’t get that something then you might suffer/die” and one of the most prominent examples of need is Food, okay.
Now you will tell me that, I know about these definitions but why are you telling me all this, just wait a little bit I’ll tell you why.
So in today’s world, if you are reading this article right now then you have your need’s satisfied, but our want is still not satisfied, why because day by day technology is improving and new-new innovations are coming up and if we want to stay with the society then we must have/know about those new things, gadgets and all, right.
And because we are satisfying our WANTS, then on the other end we might/might have compromised our NEEDS, in what way I’ll tell you.
See most people buy things by taking debt on themselves like taking a car loan, home loan, etc, but after taking that debt they spend the rest of their life compromising things they NEED like health insurance, healthy food, healthy lifestyle are you getting what I am saying.
We all do such things like if a new advanced gadget is launched like a new phone, then we buy it without even having a thought that we need it. Doesn’t this phone have all the features I want in it? If yes then we don’t have to buy that new gadget.
And the most important thing we do in our daily life is we tend to do things which are liked by others, for example, if everyone is getting a new laptop then I also buy a new one to show off to others, though I have a laptop, still I am gonna buy it. And this satisfies no one, not you, not me, none of the persons are satisfied by showing off.
If you have listened to all my PODCAST episodes then you know what I am talking about.
Okay, See we are framed with this mentality that we have to buy things that we don’t need, the meaning Want to be got converted into Need cause everyone says the same thing right. But we are not happy with it, with our lifestyle, though we have a lot of material things to rely on still we are not happy, cause every time we buy things we want and then the new gadget comes up and again we are at the same spot and this loop goes on and on.
And I think that I am going too far, so I just end this episode here.
Okay, so hope you understood this article and it’s time for a QUOTE, so here you go.
When you are bounded by thoughts & imagination then the success and happiness you know, won’t be achieved.
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