Are You Honest To Yourself?


Are You Honest To Yourself?

Are you honest to yourself ? Yes, I am asking you this question, and if you don't know the answer or doesn't know what it means than don't worry this Blog is for you.

In this blog I will cover what, why's & How's about this topic, so stay stick to this episode, you will find out soon.

Whatsup this is Vishwas Acharya and Thank You so much for clicking on to my blog and here I am back with another topic, Hope you like it.

Okay now, the first question arises is,

What does the title actually mean ?

It means, whatever you are doing, are you saying the truth to yourself I mean to your heart and mind.

Didn't get it, Right ! Let me explain.

Imagine you are sitting in an examination hall and you are writing answers by copying from others, than while you are copying, do you ask your mind or heart that I am copying from others and I am ready to tell my parents that I have copied in my exam.

if you still didn't understood than read carefully what I am saying next,

Being honest to yourself means whatever you are doing or whatever the result is, you are not making any type of excuses and accepting the reality of it or say accepting the TRUTH and moving forward to that. 

That means to be honest to yourself. OKAY !

Now we comes to our next question which is

Why should you be honest to yourself ?

The reason of that is, if you are not honest than people won't TRUST you anymore or say your mind, body and heart will lose your own TRUST, it means all a sudden you will start lying to everyone and that will coz you so much trouble throughout your life,

and BTW do you know why we tell lies to our-self because it damn feels good man, that's the reason being we are not able to be honest to our-self, but we have to overcome that otherwise we are in trouble, are you getting what I am saying.

Okay than from this another question arises which is

How you will be honest to yourself ?

For that the only thing you can do is to try as much as possible to stay honest to yourself and others, also don't try to trick yourself with some kind of small pleasure or say don't satisfy yourself by making excuses to get out from a situation.

By doing this several days you will notice that you are getting happier and relaxed day by day.

You know why I am able to tell you this, because this phase of not being honest had already came into my life when I was in my 12th grade.

Okay then time has come for a QUOTE, so it here goes

Dishonesty gives short time happiness & Long time pain while Honesty gives long time happiness & Short time pain

Okay so here I wrap up my blog and meet you in the next one.


If you want to listen to this article instead of reading it, then listen to it down below:

A Highlight:


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