Comparing vs Finding
What's up once again this is Vishwas Acharya back to the blog and my greetings as always Thank You So Much for clicking on this blog. This blog is on a most popular topic, which almost every person is doing and the remaining tini tiny community get away from that and make their own way, which every person should do according to me. Let's not make you wait anymore, the topic is COMPARING vs FINDING. Didn’t get it, right? let's make it simple, Now you must have a question that what I am comparing and what I am finding, there is no relation in it, Right? here, the context of these two words is on ourselves, which means comparing ourselves vs finding ourselves. Now, what does that actually mean, but before that let me clear one thing I am not a philosopher or anything like that, I am just sharing, what I have experienced and what's my take on that, Okay! Great. Firstly the comparing side. As we have seen that when we are in school, college, or in any sort of p...